We know that one organization alone can’t effect the change needed. The changes we want to see in the world can only come about through the efforts of many actors. Below is a selection of partnerships co-managed by WWF International and other national offices from across the network. 

Transparency & Accountability

We want results and impacts from our partnerships.
Accountability to results and transparency to our supporters and our members are key to working in a constructive, cooperative manner with business.
All WWF offices are committed to and have started to report on all relationships with companies, their intent, objectives and impacts. Please visit the national office websites for more information about their partnerships.

WWF Global Partnerships Report

The WWF Global Partnerships Report includes information on the largest partnerships that WWF has with individual companies from around the world.

View Our Global Partnerships Report

WWF International Partnerships Report

An overview of the corporate partnerships that WWF International has managed either in collaboration with other National Offices or has sole responsibility for.

View our Corporate Partnerships Report


Get In Touch

Our global network provides an incredible powerhouse for change, built on the efforts of committed individuals in nearly 100 countries across six continents. Get in touch with us if you're interested to know more about how you can partner with us. #togetherpossible

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